Vision Insurance
Vision Coverage Under Original Medicare
Original Medicare (Part A for hospital coverage and Part B for medical coverage) does not include routine eye care, such as eye exams (sometimes called “eye refractions”), glasses, frames, lenses or contacts.
Since routine vision coverage is not available under Original Medicare, you are generally responsible for the full cost of your eye care unless you have other dental or vision insurance.
Some Medicare Advantage Plans (Part C) offer extra benefits that Original Medicare doesn’t cover – like vision, hearing, or dental.
What other options do you have?
Ask if your Medicare Supplement offers any Vision Coverage
You may be able to get vision coverage under your current Medicare plan. Most Medicare Advantage plans (Part C) will include extra benefits like routine dental, routine vision, and Medicare prescription drug coverage. And some Medigap plans offer discounts. Call the phone number on the back of your insurance card to find out what your plan offers.
You can also review all Medicare plans available in your area by visiting or looking in the back of your Medicare & You Handbook. The only way to find out on your own which plans offer additional benefits such as dental & vision coverage is to call each company and ask about the coverage on each plan they offer.
A Quicker, Easier Way!
The quickest and easiest way is to call me. I help people each and every day find the plan that offers them the coverage they need so I know these plans well and can answer your questions in a few short minutes. I can tell you which plans offer the benefits you want. Plus I can help you avoid choosing the wrong plan. You can reach me at (207) 370-0143.
Other vision coverage options
As I mentioned above, unless your plan includes vision coverage, you’ll typically have to pay the full cost for routine eye exams, glasses, grames, lenses or contacts.
There are other ways to cover vision costs if your insurance plan does not offer it, including vision insurance or vision discounts. It is important to note that these types of eye care coverage are not part of Medicare.

Vision insurance
For complete vision coverage, click here to shop online and find a vision insurance plan that fits your needs. You may also have group vision insurance available, if either you or your spouse is employed.
Be sure to read the plans carefully. Most dental plans require you to stay within a network of eye care providers. The premiums may be a bit higher for this type of plan, but the costs are offset by lower out-of-pocket fees, like copayments, coinsurance and deductibles, mainly because network eye care providers usually agree to charge discounted rates to members of the dental plan.
Other plans let you go to any licensed eye care professional, but you may have to pay more at the time of service. Click here to see Vision plans and rates in your area.
Eyewear discounts
Some dental insurances and dental discounts plans also include eyewear discount cards and other perks.
Vision discount cards are neither Medicare nor vision insurance, and there are no vision benefits payable to you or the eye doctor or eyewear provider. With a discount card, you get access to a network of eye care professionals who agree to discounted rates for vision exams or eyewear, such as glasses, frames, lenses or contacts.
You pay only for the dental coverge and then use the vision discounts whenever you need glasses. These discount options also do not require waiting periods when you enroll so you can get your eyewear the day after you enroll in the plan.
Get local help.

If you would like to talk to someone in Maine who works with these different plans and undersands all the benefits give me a call.
We will discuss your needs and I’ll explain which plans would best fit what you’re looking for..
Click here to schedule a phone call or call me directly at 207-370-0143.
The best part about working with an independent agent, like myself is that it does not cost you anything and you will benefit from my full knowledge and experience.
All Rates are set by law so you will not pay more for your insurance plan when you work with an agent. My goal is to help you and I have found great joy in being able to offer my services to people who need my help. Choosing a health insurance plan is an important decision and the best thing you can do is ask for help. Call me today at 207-370-0143 and let’s chat. 🙂