Why wait until you’re 65 to retire?
Are you only working for the Health Insurance Benefit? If so, then don’t wait until you’re 65 to retire!
“Take the time now to enjoy your hobbies and spend more time with your family.”
The Affordable Care Act could be the answer!
The new healthcare plans created as part of The Affordable Care Act (Also known as “Obamacare”) are perfect for folks who want to bridge the gap until they are eligible for Medicare at age 65. If you are single with a retirement income under $35,000 or less or married with double that, you may qualify for credits that would lower your monthly premium to between $100 and $250 per month! If your income is lower then your premium would also be lower and you may also qualify for a reduced deductible!
If you are only working because you NEED health insurance then now is the perfect time to look at these plans to see if you can reduce your hours to part time or retire early and have the life you’ve been dreaming of!
If you would like to see if you can afford insurance on your own and what your plan will look like then give me a call (207) 370-0143 or send me an email and I can help you! My services are free and I will help you find the right plan and enroll so you don’t have to mess with the online healthcare marketplace system. I’ll make it easy!